We offer the best possible prices and constantly work out special deals and promotions to enhance your satisfaction. Extraordinarily wide ranges of all kinds of products covering multimedia, travel accessories and fashion, but also exclusive watches and jewelry, represent a unique assortment. MISSION & VALUES We provide quality service in duty-free operations for the maritime sector, the diplomatic corps and the international air traveler.

Sunny Europe Electronics Catalogue 2018 Pdf Download With a customer list that reads like a Who’s Who of the World’s Major Electronic Firms, Sunny Computer Technology has quietly become one of the world’s leading suppliers of switching power supplies and a wide range of electronic parts. Many of you knew us as Sunny Radio and watched us grow to become your familiar “Sunny”. In 2018 we celebrated our 36th anniversary. “Boarding Lounge”, a new brand focusing on international air travelers, also came into being in 2012. The Diplomatic House moved from Brussels to the headquarters in Antwerp. In 2012 we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a grand opening of a new and luxurious 1600m² concept store in Antwerp. Following successful growth, two brands were created in 2007: “Sunny” for the maritime services and “The Diplomatic House” for the diplomatic corps, with a physical Diplomatic House in Brussels. By 1999, the company had changed its name to Sunny Europe and moved to the present location in the port of Antwerp.